What I've been doing recently
🎓 Minerva Schools I am currently a freshman in Minerva Schools, and one of our main focus is to immerse ourselves in various cultures and contexts through four-year global rotation in seven cities , with peers from 70+ countries and different disciplinary backgrounds. Right now I am living in San Francisco, our first rotation city, receiving training on Habits of Mind and Foundational Concepts , which is an essential part of Minerva's curriculum. Our goal in the first year is to learn thinking tools and reinforce our grasp of these tools by applying them in real-world projects. We've written several thesis-driven essays, analyzed complex social systems, proposed scientific hypotheses, made statistical inferences, done literature reviews, interacted with local organizations, interviewed cultural informants, and collaborated with Civic Partners. My Civic Partner is Mighty Health , a Y Combinator-backed startup that provides a cardiologist-designed treatment plan in the m...