
Showing posts from January, 2017


開課年度 :105-1 授課教師 :蔡忠潤教授 開課系所與授課對象 :數學系必修,可抵其他微積分課 私心推薦指數 (滿分 十分 ): 八分,課程節奏覺得還可以更好   課程大概內容 以下將老師上課的內容依照兩此期中和一次期末的範圍列成三段:  1. Real numbers and continuous functions 2. Limit of sequence 3. Limit for continuous functions 4. Integral & derivative 5. Fundamental theorem of calculus 6. Basic rules for derivative 7. Exponentials Midterm 1 8. Max and min, some special functions 9. Integration by substitution 10. Integration by parts 11. Integration of rational functions 12. Arc length and area 13. Taylor's theorem 14. L'Hôpital's rule Midterm 2 15. Interpolation, numerical integration 16. Newton's method, Stirling formula  17. Convergence and test  18. Uniform convergence 19. Power series 20. Infinite products 21. Periodic functions 22. Fourier series Final